


Installation and Deinstallation #

The following few files are installed:

  • /usr/local/bin/ethtun
  • /opt/EtherTunnel/LICENSE
  • /usr/local/share/man/man8/ethtun.8

Linux .rpm Packages #

rpm #

Task            | Command
Installation    | sudo rpm -i ./EtherTunnel-1.119-RHEL9-1.x86_64.rpm
Update          | rpm -U ./EtherTunnel-1.119-RHEL9-1.x86_64.rpm
Package-Info    | rpm -q EtherTunnel
Deinstallation  | rpm -e EtherTunnel

dnf #

Task            | Command
Installation    | dnf install ./EtherTunnel-1.119-RHEL9-1.x86_64.rpm
Update          | dnf update ./EtherTunnel-1.119-RHEL9-1.x86_64.rpm
Package-Info    | dnf list EtherTunnel
Deinstallation  | dnf remove EtherTunnel

Linux .deb Packages #

dpkg #

Task            | Command
Installation    | dpkg -i ./EtherTunnel-1.119-Debian12-amd64.deb
Package-Info    | dpkg -l EtherTunnel
Deinstallation  | dpkg -r EtherTunnel

apt #

Task            | Command
Installation    | apt install ./EtherTunnel-1.119-Debian12-amd64.deb
Package-Info    | apt list EtherTunnel
Deinstallation  | apt remove EtherTunnel